It is hard to believe how fast time has passed, when we thought that we had just dropped by at some familiar place and apparently, we realize that we have been ten or fifteen years far separated from that period. Such strange thing also happens to me. People will think that it’s funny if they found out how scared I was at the first time I recognized this sophistically dark and artistic part of ‘black metal’. Starting my teenage period at 11 until late 16, I was frequently haunted with the wicked appearance of those Satanist-lookalike bands such as, Cradle of Filth, or, Dimmu Borgir. Even Marilyn Manson (I stupidly thought that Brian Warner aka Marilyn Manson was a black metal musician as well). I don’t know, the idea of their ‘bloody’ satanic ritual at the backstage was stuck in my head like a parasite.
Apparently, my present
perspective about black metal must change a little bit. From the
Scandinavian-base culture appearance, complete with scary make up (it remains
that way so far I know), blasphemy-content lyrics, and off course, satanic
ritual, into casual men in leather jacket without make up, singing about human’s
suffocation. Thanks to these folks of Abraham.
This local
Surabayan band was formed in the end of 2014, when Yudha and Rudi (guitar
player of Surabayan melodic punk band, The Flinstone), desired to form this
sludge and dark oriented hardcore band. At that time, both of them were
influenced by Code Orange, All Pig Must Die, and Converge (Whoa, I love Jake
Bannon and Kurt Balou). Honestly, if they could’ve formed a band that sounds
like Converge, they may be the first chaotic hardcore band in Surabaya. For
completing their lineup, Yudha took Bintang to fill the bass and Eno on drums.
At the same time, Eno also played for other hardcore punk band. After intensive
practices, Abraham had opportunities to perform in local gigs conducted by
their good friends. Unfortunately, Rudi decided to step out of the lineup to
stay focused on The Flinstone. This move was also followed by Bintang for being
uncertain of his part in the band. Abraham took three months of silence.
Yudha met Alfian aka Toyo to fill the guitar. Alfian also took his friend,
Tuwek to play bass. After another practices, Abraham decided to change their
musical preferences. Playing what they call oldschool black metal combined with crust/punk drums’
beat and raw distortion, Abraham was finally influenced by Young And In The Way,
Mayhem (Deathcrush album era), and The Secret (Solve Et Coagula album era).
Soon, Abraham will release their split album with grindcore/punk veteran, Depo
Sampah on this April 2016. And it’s limited.
However, to be
honest, when I listen to their track such as Rebellion x Babylon and Redemption
x Deliverance, they sound more like purely oldschool metal hardcore for me.
Especially with the vocal, Yudha really reminds me to Undying and other similar
Swedish metalcore bands. Their various chords, slow tempo to close the song are
somehow familiar. The only difference is preachy story telling style that he attempts
on Redemption x Deliverance. Wicked. Anyway, Yudha had told me that their recent
sound would be different.
Overall, I'm glad that Abraham doesn't hesitate to define their own musical style. I hate to say that they will go to the right direction for their consistency of their musical preference, but still, I hope that they would play that Converge or Dillinger Escape Plan in the future. What can I say? I'm just a whiner.